Volunteer Work Mt Field

Friends of Mt Field

Track clearing Old Pack Track at Mt Field NP on Saturday 14 Jun 08

It was a day made quite cool by the brisk breeze near Lake Fenton and we needed to be well rugged up, however the activity from working kept up the warmth level.

Initially the bushes blocking and hiding the 200 metres of the Old Pack Track between bend one and two were cleared and rock steps were made at the top end where track meets the Lake Dobson road near the Woodland Walk. This saves a shade over 400 metres of road walking.

Following this some drainage work was carried out on the Old Pack Track section between the road and junction with the track to Lake Nicholls. The creek that runs under the track was cleared out by removing debris and rocks forcing the water the pool. An immediate dropping of the water level was noticed and should not now overflow onto the track as easily during periods of high water volumes. A drain was also created and rocked each side at a minor ephemeral stream, probably only flowing when the there is heavy rainfall.

Cleared overgrowing bushes including Bauera on early sections of Fenton to Webster track and installed a drain where water was flowing onto and lying on a 2 metre long section of track.

If you are interested in helping or for more http://mtfieldfriends.googlepages.com/home


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