Our Neighbour Exceeding Her Rights

When I came home late in the afternoon last Saturday I noticed a big gap in the bushes along our driveway.

I tackled our neighbour about it  to tell her that i was very annoyed and she had no right to cut our bushes down.  At first she pretended not no know anything about it, then when I pointed out the stump (which had been covered up by bits of vegetation) some 80 cm our side of the boundary she said I would have to take it up with her gardener.  

 The gap through to the neighbours garden shed on the boundary.


She reckoned she wasn’t home at the time, however a moment later she said our bush was dead  and unsightly on her side.  Now because of her bushes pressed right up against our bush, she would not have been able to see what it looked like until her bushes were removed. 

I tackled her gardener next day and he told me he had been informed of my anger and apologised saying that he thought the bush was on our neighbours property.  And also that the bush on her side looked dead (that side may have done because her bush blocked access to light to it , but it certainly was in good health and nice and green on our side).

The stump in the middle of the photo is 80 cm from the boundary which is approximately at the board at the top of the photo.



Going on past problems we have had with this neighbour I reckon she was instrumental in having it removed.







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