Just What North Hobart Needs

Roaring Grill

The Roaring Grill is a very welcome addition for dining in North Hobart. We both decided on eye fillet steak (200 gram) cooked medium. It came with champ potatoes and chopped salad and we also ordered a vegetable side dish, although in hindsight we could have done without. Bear in mind we are not big eaters.

The steak was very tender and tasty and beautifully cooked

Shared a coffee infused crème brulee with almond biscotti which was most enjoyable.

The meal however was a bit saltier than what we like.

Service was good and the wait for the food was about what one would expect.

The steaks were crusty on the outside and next day, after both not sleeping well, I did a search on the Internet and discovered that salt is used by many chefs when cooking steak. As we do not normally have much salt, this may have contributed to the sleep problem, if it was actually used in the cooking.



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