Dog Near Lake Rodway

We were camped in the little valley with the lake that is directly south and over the ridge from Lake Rodway. At about 7:30 AM we both heard a dog bark several times and it did not seem particularly distant, coming from the east near to the lake. On checking about we came upon a dead wallaby quite close to our tent spot (40 metres). It was lying in a somewhat awkward position but apart from a little disturbance to the fur near the neck, there was no great sign of what may have caused the animals death. It was reasonably big and well built. However we did not touch or move the wallaby. Some 100 metres further on we noticed animal fur lying about in a couple spots.

Now as we had arrived at the camp site at 4PM on the previous day we had plenty of time to wander about and both feel that we would have noticed the wallaby then if it had been there.

We both feel quite confident that it was a dog bark, it wasn’t a growl.

The incident has been reported to the Parks & Wildlife Service at Cradle Valley


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