Erica Complaint to Forestry Tasmania

This is the third time I have written to inform Forestry Tasmania that there was the Erica lusitanica (Spanish Heath), a declared weed under the Weed Management Act 1999, growing beside the Arve Road. On the first occasion (4/2/03) I was assured that action would be taken to remove it, but I noted it was present in greater number at the same spot (19/4/07) and on this occasion was told by phone that it was in the local council area. Last month I went past the spot and noted more precisely the location which is within 500 metres and to the west of Bennetts Road junction. Clearly this is within the Forestry Tasmania jurisdiction.

I can tell you the lack of action and apparent disregard for the control of declared weeds and land management that shows such a disregard for the environment by Forestry Tasmania is very disappointing. The infestation has now spread further and I think is also now present at the junction of Arve Rd with Ledgerwood Road.

I hope you will rectify this situation without delay. I certainly will not let this issue pass and will take it further if nothing is done.


The Erica is at aprox 486522 click for a bigger image

Spanish heath (Erica lusitanica) flowers are numerous and pink-tinged in bud.
Photo: Matthew Baker, Tasmanian Herbarium

Taken from CRC Weed management Guide


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