Volunteer Work

Wellington Park Bushcare Group

Erica Follow up Breakneck, New Town and Pottery Sites at Wellington Park on Tuesday 13 Jan 09

Three sites were checked as part of a follow up of previous work. The New Town site near the powerlines had a reasonable number of seedlings and all were removed, whilst the Breakneck site which was cleared during 2002 and 2003 had very few plants; a very encouraging sign. Close by at the end of the Pottery access track seedlings and reshooting Erica at the Envirofund site was cleared along with plants of a substantial size growing on the lower side.

In addition thistles and Elderberry were removed from near the waterhole at the top McRobies lower track.

The day was quite warm but some shade was provided by trees, but conditions were hot by the time we reached the cars on the return.

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