Plastics Health Risk

I have been reading the latest Choice magazine (Feb 2010) and feel concern about some plastics that are used with food.

In particular two types of plastic should be avoided as there is sufficient scientific opinion that they pose a risk.  These are plastics with the symbol 3 (PVC) or 7 (a catch-all category that includes polycarbonate).  Avoid  foods or beverages that have been in contact with them.  Some cling wrap placed on food that is used by retailers uses the cheap PVC instead of the safer type 4 wrap (polyethylene).

Look for the codes 1 (PET), 2 (HDPE), 4 (LDPE), 5 (PP) and 6 (PS) for the safer type of plastics for food.

I checked our cupboards and found that Sun Rice was in a PVC (3)container (now transferred to a glass  one and I will complain to that company).  A bushwalking drink bottle from Kathmandu was marked 7 and that is going in the bin and I will write to them too.


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